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Medical Negligence Case Studies

These case studies show the way in which we are helping our clients and how we enable their quality of life to improve after their accident.  If we could wave a magic wand, then the outcome for each of these clients would be to turn back time, so that they did not have their accident in the first place. Compensation is not a windfall and all of our clients and their families will be the first in line to verify that position.

Client A suffered a serious birth injury as a result of a fault in a London Hospital. The client’s case succeeded after a contested trial and damages of almost £6M were awarded. This compensation was not a lottery windfall, but a fund to allow our client to live as a happy life as possible and was used to fund the purchase and adaptation of a country property where our client now lives surrounded by dogs, chickens and horses, supported by his family and a dedicated team of therapists and support workers.

Client B sustained severe head injuries as a result of a motor cycle accident which occurred when he was a teenager. The client actually appointed another firm of Solicitors who, after a period of inordinate delay, settled the claim for £250,000. This sounds like a lot of money, but was actually a substantial under settlement and many important facts were either omitted altogether or under valued by the original Solicitors. JCP Solicitors were instructed by the client and took on a professional negligence claim against the original solicitors, which settled for approximately £1M. This has provided Mr. B with financial security that he needs to live comfortably with his family, to help them cope with his ongoing injuries, now and in the future.

Client C sustained severe head and other injuries as a result of an accident at work. The claim against his employers settled for just over £2M. This pays for a dedicated team of professional carers whose support has allowed our client to resume an active role in his local community.

Client D was at fault when he drove his car into the back of another car. However, whilst standing by the road with the other driver to swop insurance details, another car hit our client causing him severe injuries. After huge arguments between the drivers involved as to who was to blame, we were delighted to secure our client in excess of £50k in damages.

Client E was involved in a road traffic accident when another car drove into his path. He reported the accident to his insurance company who appointed a firm of solicitors to act for him, but they were based far away from where our client lived. Client E contacted JCP so that we could transfer the case to our team instead. After reviewing his file it was obvious that his previous solicitors did not understand the seriousness of his head injury. We obtained the correct expert evidence and he was awarded in excess of £50,000, which helped our client to get his life back on track.

Client F who is deaf, tripped over a vacuum cleaner whilst at work. She injured her leg and needed surgery.  Like many who have unfortunate accidents at work, she lost her job due to her injuries and is unlikely to work again. She was awarded £100,000 to help relieve the pressure on her and her family.

Client G had an accident at work where he sustained severe head and back injuries. He originally instructed other solicitors but was not happy so asked us to arrange the transfer of his case so that we could act for him. Following this he suffered another head injury in whilst out drinking. Due to our experience in head injury cases, we knew that an head injury expert would verify that this drinking to excess was as a result of his first accident, therefore the employers should be responsible for all the injuries caused to him. The case went to trial. We won but the employers took the case to the court of appeal. We won again!! The client was awarded in excess of £550,000 to try and help get his life back on track, after not one but two horrific accidents where he was not at fault.  The case is so unusual that is has been reported in law reports and specialist training courses.

  • Mei Li
      • Mei Li
      • Director & Head of Catastrophic Injury
      • 01792 529 615
      • View profile
  • Nick O'Neill
      • 02920 391917
      • View profile
  • Matthew Owen
      • 01792 529 683
      • View profile
  • Lauren Protheroe
      • 01792 525415
      • View profile
  • Thomas Rees
      • 01267 248889
      • View profile
  • Keith Thomas
      • 03333 209244
      • View profile
  • Samuel Barnes
      • 01792 525454
      • View profile
  • Marnie Novis
      • 01792 529699
      • View profile
  • Cheryl Smith
      • 02920 379561
      • View profile
  • Sam Bateman
      • 01792 529 636
      • View profile
  • Gethin John
      • 01792 529688
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