Mei Li
      • Mei Li
      • Director
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      • 01792 529 615
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        • 01792 529 615

    Mei Li


    Hi, I’m Mei, a Director and Head of the Catastrophic Injury team. Our team specialises in traumatic brain injuries in children and adults. With over 20 years’ experience bringing claims for compensation, I represent clients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury through no fault of their own. A traumatic brain injury has lifelong consequences, so instructing an expert that you can trust is imperative.

    Working closely with specialist brain injury therapists including case managers, neuro physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other rehabilitation therapists, I’m passionate about ensuring that my clients have access to rehabilitation as soon as possible and I firmly believe that this enables them to maximise their recovery so that they can be the best that they possibly can.

    I recognise the need to develop a good relationship with my clients and their families through this difficult period, supporting them through both the litigation process and their rehabilitation journey. This is particularly important for children as a relationship with a child and their family can last for many years.

    I pride myself on being down to earth and approachable and over the years, and have built up very close bonds with my clients. I would describe my method of working as holistic in nature, as it is important that here at JCP we are integral part of a client’s post-accident care team.

    I also have extensive experience of birth injury, wrongful birth, and cerebral palsy claims.

    In addition to my day-to-day role, I’m a Senior Litigator and Member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL), a Member of the Headway Accreditation Panel and the Law Society Clinical Negligence Panel. I have a myriad of accreditations that highlight my wealth of knowledge and experience as a practitioner.

    Alongside my role at JCP, I am the secretary of the South West Wales Brain Injury Group (SWWBIG) a voluntary organisation which provides an annual conference, educating and supporting the brain injury community including survivors and their families, the medics and the therapists involved.

    I am described by the Legal 500 as the next generation partner and that I ‘excel at the full range of catastrophic injury claims’.