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Matthew Owen
Matthew has specialised exclusively in helping victims of medical negligence for almost 20 years. A member of the Law Society Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel, Matthew has developed a particular specialism in complex and serious cases involving brain injury, and has secured many multi-million pound settlements for his clients, with one recent settlement alone exceeding £19 million.
Matthew is endorsed in the 2023 Chambers and Partners Guide, with sources saying: “Matthew is excellent, he is very well organised and always has his finger on the pulse”; “He’s very focused and committed to his clients, he always goes the extra mile for them”; “He is experienced, professional, understanding and caring”.
As well as receiving cases referred to him from other Solicitors who do not have the required specialisation in this area, Matthew also receives referrals from various organisations and Charities who rely on his knowledge and reputation in this area of the law.
Medical Negligence can be a complex and long process and many Solicitors, whilst offering exceptional services in other areas, do not have the required expertise, knowledge or resources of Matthew and other members of the Team.
Matthew takes the extra time to explain the Medical Negligence process to his clients, and is proud of the caring, trusted and committed relationships he builds with his clients over the years that he works with them. Matthew recognises that any serious injury claim is a traumatic time, and does all that he can to ensure that his clients’ best interests are protected. Matthew routinely works with professional carers and therapists to ensure the best possible rehabilitation for his clients and to ensure that their lifelong needs will be met.
Matthew is a fluent Welsh speaker.
The 'canny and unflappable' Matthew Owen heads up the clinical negligence offering at the firm and continues to provide 'outstanding' representation on behalf of clients suffering injuries of the utmost severity, including brain injuries.
Legal 500 2022 Edition
Mae Matthew wedi datblygu arbenigedd cydnabyddedig mewn cynorthwyo rhai sydd wedi dioddef esgeuluster meddygol. Yn ogystal â derbyn achosion wedi eu hatgyfeirio o Gyfreithwyr nad ydynt gyda’r arbenigedd gofynnol yn y maes yma, mae Matthew hefyd yn derbyn achosion wedi eu hatgyfeirio o fudiadau ac Elusennau amrywiol, sy’n dibynnu ar ei adnabyddiaeth o’r pwnc a’i enw da yn y maes.
Gall cymryd achos esgeuluster meddygol fod yn broses cymhleth a hir, a thra bod llawer Cyfreithiwr yn gallu cynnig gwasanaeth eithriadol mewn meysydd eraill, does ganddynt mo’r arbenigedd gofynnol, y wybodaeth, na’r adnoddau sydd gan Matthew ac aelodau eraill o’r Tîm. Yn aelod o Banel Arbenigol Esgeuluster Meddygol Cymdeithas y Gyfraith, mae Matthew wedi datblygu arbenigedd penodol mewn achosion difrifol yn ymwneud â niwed i linyn y cefn a llawdriniaeth fasgwlaidd.
Delia Matthew hefyd gydag achosion o anaf personol dros gleientiaid sydd wedi dioddef anaf trwy drosedd – adnabyddir yr achosion hyn fel rhai CICA, sef Yr Awdurdod Digolledu am Niweidiau Troseddol. Mae Matthew yn brofiadol mewn cynorthwyo cleientiaid sydd wedi dioddef anafiadau difrifol i’r pen/ymennydd, ac yn derbyn cyfarwyddiadau i weithredu ar ran Y Cyfreithiwr Swyddogol.
Cymera Matthew ei amser i esbonio’r broses o gymryd achos Esgeuluster Meddygol i’w gleientiaid, ac mae’n falch iawn o’r berthynas ofalgar, ddibynadwy ac ymroddedig mae’n adeiladu gyda’u gleientiaid dros y blynyddoedd mae’n gweithio gyda hwy. Mae’n cydnabod fod damwain difrifol neu achos o anaf personol yn adeg ysgytiol, ac fe wnaiff popeth o fewn ei allu i sicrhau fod ffydd gan ei gleientiaid ei fod yn gwarchod eu buddiannau, a bod eu gofynion oes yn cael eu hamddiffyn pan fo achos o anaf difrifol a thrychinebus neu esgeulustod.
Mae Matthew wedi ennill clod yn y Legal 500 am ei arbenigedd mewn Esgeuluster Meddygol, tra bod Chambers yn ei gymeradwyo fel unigolyn i’w nodi a bod ffynonellau'r farchnad yn ei adnabod fel un o’r cyfreithwyr y dylid mynd ato am Esgeuluster Meddygol yn Abertawe.
Mae Matthew yn rhugl yn y Gymraeg.