- Swansea (Main)01792 773 773
- Caerphilly02920 860 628
- Cardiff02920 225 472
- Carmarthen01267 234 022
- Cowbridge01446 771 742
- Haverfordwest01437 764 723
- Rural Practice01267 266 944
- St Davids01348873671
- Please note that all phone calls are recorded
The Government has published the 4th edition of treasury guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) which permits the Furloughing or Flexible Furloughing of Employees.
The key changes are outlined below:-
- The CJRS Bonus that would have been payable originally if employees were not under redundancy notice on 31st January 2021 has been withdrawn and will not be paid
- 80% of wages will be met by the Government under the scheme up to 31st January 2021, a further treasury direction will be published confirming the arrangements for February and March 2021
- A Furlough Agreement must be in place before the start of the relevant claim period, this can be an update to an existing one, therefore, extensions should be agreed in advance
- You cannot make a claim for notice periods being served between 1 December 2020 and 31 January 2021 (this is applicable to both contractual and statutory notice)
- The Government has confirmed they will publish information about CJRS Claims on the internet; this will include the company name and a reasonable indication of how much you have claimed. Exemptions can be made in very exceptional circumstances and it is now a further condition when making a claim that you accept this information will be published
The HR Services team at JCP Solicitors can offer support with this process.
For more information contact Natasha Johnston on 01792 525478 or email natasha.johnston@jcpsolicitors.co.uk or contact Lucy Miles on 01792 525461 or email lucy.miles@jcpsolicitors.co.uk.