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The Closed Job Support Scheme (now postponed)

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The Government has planned to replace the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS known as ‘Furlough’), with the Job Support Scheme (JSS) with different rules for business which are open and for businesses which are forced to close due to government imposed lockdowns.  

The JSS was supposed to start from 1 November 2020 but it has since been postponed in favour of extending the CJRS for at least another month into November 2020 and possibly beyond.

What we know so far about the planned JSS ‘Closed’

The planned change was that businesses required to close by law could use this scheme in the following way:-

  • Claim 2/3rd of usual pay to a maximum of £2,083.33 per month. As we understand it, employers would still have needed to cover NIC’S and pension contributions

Please find below additional information on the planned scheme for businesses forced to close by the law.

Who is eligible?

  • All businesses that are forced to shut by law can request the larger payment of 2/3rd salary (subject to the cap)

Announced Rules of the scheme

  • Start date is to be confirmed
  • Employees cannot be made redundant or be in their redundancy notice period whilst on the scheme  
  • The Government will pay a 2/3rd  of the hours not worked (capped at £2,083.33 per month)
  • The employer does not have to contribute
  • Employers are able to top up the wages of the hours not worked at their own discretion
  • The scheme does not cover NICS or pension contributions

How to claim

  • To be confirmed


  • Similar to the CJRS Scheme, agreement must be obtained by the employee

The HR Services team at JCP Solicitors can offer support with this process.

Please note, this note based on the position as at 2 November 2020 at 12.00pm and refers to the planned JSS Closed which has not been brought into effect.

For the planned rules of the Open Job Support Scheme, please click here.

In response to the current climate we are offering a short term Covid-Support HR Package that can assist you with:-

  • Support for the end of the Furlough Scheme and the start of the Job Support Scheme
  • Restructuring proposals and the equality considerations to take into account
  • Redundancy situations
  • Employment relations issues on return to the workplace such as grievances, sensitive conduct or absence related matters
  • Support where protected characteristics make normal processes more complex or higher risk
  • Mentoring support for established HR teams and business owners who may be experiencing out of the ordinary HR issues

Prices will be tailored for your business according to the services you may need. This is an ideal way to spread the cost of legal fees, whilst ensuring you can support your employees in the best way possible during this difficult time.

For more information on the Job Support Scheme or the Covid-Support HR package contact 03333 208644 or email