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Accredited Training Body Warns of a Ticking Time Bomb For Asbestos Illness Cases

- Posted
- AuthorJCP Solicitors
The UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) has warned there may be more deaths from asbestos over the next 15-60 years because of a lapse in vital safety training during the Coronavirus crisis.
The group has spoken out about the impact on training and future health risks associated with the material, since, they say, training in asbestos handling and removal has sunk to a third of pre-COVID levels. They are also concerned that a lull in building maintenance programmes during lockdown could lead to more deaths down the line.
We see first-hand the long-term effects of asbestos exposure. We advise many people who are suffering from ill health, often from exposure they experienced years ago. The warnings by UKATA underline the importance of seeking legal advice, even if you feel tracing the firm involved might be tricky. The claims we pursue are often complex and involve careful investigative work, since, often, the companies in question have folded or changed hands.
We see time and again how adequate compensation can help our clients who are suffering from an asbestos-related condition. There are treatments and aids available via private care that are no longer available through the NHS, and compensation can help fund these. Financial support is also a welcomed by families who have taken on more of a caring role, and families can pursue a claim even after their loved one has passed away.
In order to be successful, you need to have medical evidence to show you’re suffering from an asbestos-related disease. You also need to show that the disease was caused as a result of someone negligently exposing you to asbestos. Even if the employer or former employer has folded, a claim can still be pursued with their insurer.
Asbestos-related diseases can be difficult to diagnose. Symptoms can take decades to show, and sometimes the patient has forgotten about exposure that may have happened years beforehand.
Time-limits apply when it comes to pursuing compensation so it is vital to seek tailored legal advice on this matter.
For more information contact us by emailing law@jcpsolicitors.co.uk or call 03333 209244.